On the other hand, Shri Ramchandraji stood on the battlefield, tired of the war, and worried. In this way, Ravana also appeared in front of him for the war. Seeing this, Lord Agastya Muni, who had come to see the war with the gods, went to Shri Rama and said.


Mahabaho Rama who delights in everyone's heart! Listen to this eternal secret hymn! Young of any animal! By chanting it you will win over all your enemies in battle. The name of this secret stotra is 'Adityahridaya'. It is the most holy and destroyer of all enemies. By chanting it, one always gets victory. This is the everlasting, inexhaustible and ultimate benevolent stotra. There is also the auspicious of all Mars. It destroys all sins. It is the best means to eliminate anxiety and grief and increase life.


Lord Surya is adorned with his infinite rays. He is the ever-evolving, saluted by the gods and demons, famous by the name of Vivaswan, the expander of Prabha and the lord of the world. You worship them with these mantras Rashmimante Namah, Samudyante Namah, Devasuranamaskritaye Namah, Vivasvatte Namah, Bhaskaraya Namah, Bhuvaneshwaraye Namah. The complete deity is the form of this one. They give power and energy to the world with the zodiac of brilliance and their rays. They are going to follow all the worlds including the gods and asuras by spreading their rashmi.

These are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda, Prajapati, Indra, Kubera, Kaal, Yama, Moon, Varuna, Pitar, Vasu, Sadhya, Ashwinikumar, Marudgan, Manu, Vayu, Fire, Praja, Prana, the manifester of the seasons and the beacon of light.

Their names are Aditya (Aditiputra), Savita (creator of the world), Surya (omnipresent), Khag, Pusha (sustainer), Gabhastiman (luminous), Suvarnasadrishya, Bhanu (publisher), Hiranyareta (seed of origin of the universe), Diwakara (who dispels darkness of night and spreads light of day), Haridasva, Sahasraarchi (adorned with thousands of rays), Saptasapti (having seven horses), Marichiman (adorned with rays), Timiromanthan (destroyer of darkness),  Shambhu, Tvashta, Martandak (one who gives life to the universe), Anshuman, Hiranyagarbha (Brahma), Shishir (one who gives happiness by nature), Tapan (one who produces heat), Ahskara, Ravi, Agnigarbha (one who conceives fire), Aditiputra, Shankha, Shishirnashana (destroyer of cold), Vyomannath (lord of sky), Tambhedi, transamination of Rig, Yaju and Samaveda, Dhanvrishti, Apam Mitra (who produces water),  Vindhyaveethiplavangam (moving fast in the sky), Atpi, Mandali, Death, Pingal (brown), Sarvatapana (Giving heat to all), Poet, World, Mahatejaswi, Rakta, Sarvabhavodbhava (due to the origin of all), The lord of the constellations, planets and stars, Vishwabhavana (protector of the world), is also very brilliant and twelfth among the Tejasvis. Famous by all these names, Suryadev! Hello to you.

Salutations to you in the form of Purvagiri Udayachal and Paschimgiri Astachal. Salutations to you, Lord of the Jyotirganas (planets and stars) and Lord of the day. You are the embodiment of victory and the bestower of victory and welfare. Green horses are yoked in your chariot. Hello to you again and again. Lord Sun is adorned with thousands of rays! Salutations to you again and again. You are also famous as Aditya due to being the son of Aditi, hello to you. Salutations to the fierce, heroic, and sarang Suryadev. Salutations to the fierce slamming Martand who developed the lotus. 

You are also the lord of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Sur is your noun, this solar system is your glory, you are full of light, the fire that destroys everyone is your form, you are the one who wears the form of Raudra, salutations to you. You are the destroyer of ignorance and darkness, the remover of inertia and cold, and the destroyer of the enemy. Your nature is irrelevant. Salutations to you, the destroyer of the ungrateful ones, the lord of all lights and the embodiment of gods.

Your aura is like a golden gold, you are Hari and Vishwakarma, the destroyer of tama, the embodiment of light and the witness of the world, salutations to you. Raghunandan! This Lord Surya destroys, creates and sustains all the ghosts. They convey heat and rain with their rays.  

All of them remain inwardly situated in ghosts and remain awake even when they fall asleep. These are the fruits of Agnihotra and Agnihotri men. These are the gods, sacrifices and the fruits of sacrifices. He alone is fully capable of bearing the fruit of all the activities that take place in the worlds.  

An outstanding scion or descendant of king Raghu’s dynasty! In adversity, in trouble, in the inaccessible path and on the occasion of any other fear, any man who chants the hymn of this Sun God does not have to suffer. Therefore, you should concentrate and worship this god Jagadishvara. By chanting this Aditya Hriday three times, you will win the battle. Great Baháho! You will be able to kill Ravana this very moment. Having said this, Agastya went away as he had come. Hearing his sermon, the grief of Mahatejashwi Shri Ramchandraji has gone away.

Being pleased, he took the Aditya's heart with a pure mind and chanted it three times while looking at the purified Lord Surya. This made them very happy. Then the mighty Raghunath #NAME? raised his bow and looked at Ravana and enthusiastically moved forward to get victory. He has decided to kill Ravana by trying his best. At that time, Lord Surya, who was standing amid the gods, looked at Shri Ramchandraji and knowing the time of the destruction of Nocturnal Raj Ravana near, said happily - 'Raghunandan! Hurry up now. In this way, this Aditya Hridayam mantra mentioned in the battle episode of Valmiki's Ramayana is said in praise of Lord Surya.


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