Importance of Listening Radio

Radio waves were first recognized b y German physicist Heinrich Hertz in 1886. The first hands-on radio transmitters were developed about 1895-6 by Italian Guglielmo Marconi, and radio inaugurated to be recycled commercially around 1900. What was the radio first used for? In the 1920s, radio was first used to conduct pictures visible as television. In early 1930s, Sngle Sideband (SSB) and frequency modulation (FM) existed invented by inexpert radio operators. By 1940, they were well-known commercial modes. What are the types of Radio? 1: One way Radio: It is very simple radio. It receives communications form the control center. Example: Race tracks. 2: Two way Radio: It transmit and receives the signals simultaneously. 3: Fixed Mount Radio: It is an unusual device ...